- Julia Lernoud, Co-Chair of YOGN gave her message during the YOGN Launch
- Launching of the Young Organics Global Network in Goesan County, South Korea in 2020
- Launching of the Young Organics Global Network in Goesan County, South Korea in 2020
Goesan County, South Korea – The Young Organics Global Network (YOGN) was formally launched in a virtual event on September 18th, 2020 at 1430 Korean Standard Time.
Through a live broadcast from the YOGN’s website, hundreds of youth from all over world witnessed the inaugural ceremony of YOGN. Julia Lernoud, Co-Chairperson gave the background of the establishment of the youth group which was initially formed last June 28th, 2020.
Mayor Lee Cha Young of Goesan County and President of the Asian Local Governments for Organic Agriculture (ALGOA) gave a message of congratulations and stressed the importance of the youth as future leaders and caretakers of the environment. “The most astonishing thing about YOGN is that it is the result of spontaneous cooperation of the young people around the world. ALGOA will support their strive for bright future of human race.”
A video of congratulations from organic pioneers followed, with messages coming from Gunnar Rundgren, former President of IFOAM Organics International, Karen Mapusua, current Vice President of IFOAM Organics International and Zhou Zejiang, President of IFOAM Asia.
Li Feng, Co-Chairperson of YOGN laid out the activities and prospects of the global youth group. This was followed by a video entitled “Voices of the Global Organic Youth”, where youth leaders from all over the world talked on what they do, the challenges they face and the importance of the youth in the organic movement.
Finally, youth representatives from Goesan County read the Inaugural Declaration, a document containing the mission, objectives, and prospects of YOGN. For more information on YOGN, please visit: www.yoglobalnetwork.com and www.facebook.com/youngorganicsglobalnetwork
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