The 5th Asian Organic Youth Forum was held in Dimapur, Nagaland, India on November 26th to December 1st, 2019. For three days, 32 delegates, including 3 from Europe took part of one of Nagaland’s largest international events of the year.

Shri Neiphiu Rio, Nagaland’s Chief Minister, delivers his congratulatory speech during the International Open Forum: Meet the Organic Pioneers

On the 29th, the International Open Forum: Meet the Organic Pioneers, speakers from Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and India shared their experiences to a crowd of more than 200 organic agriculture students, practitioners researchers and enthusiasts. Key officials of Nagaland graced the event, led by the state’s Chief Minister, Shri Neiphiu Rio. On the 30th, the delegates were invited to the Molvom Organic Pineapple Festival and proceeded to Kohima, Nagaland on the l” of December for the annual Hornbill Festival.

The 5th Asian Organic Youth Forum was fully funded by the Government of Nagaland and Nagaland Organic Konnect (NOK).

The trainees of the IFOAM Asia Organic Youth Forum Nagaland pose together with IFOAM Asia, Government of Nagaland, and NOK officials.